Refund Policy: refund will be done through online mode in 5-6 working days.
- No Refund on membership charges.
- Refund can be claim on –
- Non delivered products – Non Delivered can be considered after 7 working days of expected delivery date.
- Wrong product delivered – difference on model number, color, making year, brand name will considered.
- Damaged or non working product delivered. ( Full Unboxing Video Required )
- Refund Can’t be claim
- If order not cancelled before dispatch of product.
- If delivered on time and complaint of damaged or wrong product not received within 2 working days of receiving.
- If wrong delivery address given and not changed before dispatch.
- If order not received at given address.
- Order Cancellation can be accepted in any circumstance if cancelled before dispatch.
- Order Cancellation can’t be accept in any circumstance if order dispatch.
- Customer can’t cancel the order before Launch Date
- Refund will be processed through online mode in 5-6 working days after we received returned product in same condition we deliver.
- Refund Will Processed after 7 working days of Coupon/Offer expiration date if order placed though coupons so it can make sure coupon will not be used any further after order cancellation.
- % of Refunded Amount will vary according to product and it’s category.
- Products can be returned if complaint registered within 24 hours after receiving product.
- We try and deliver orders within 10 working days After Launch.
- AddMeCart Reserve all rights to cancel order and raise full refund without sharing reason.